Like an urban Dian Fossey, Wednesday Martin decodes the primate social behaviors of Upper East Side mothers in a brilliantly original and witty memoir about her adventures assimilating into that most secretive and elite tribe. After marrying a man from the Upper East Side and moving to the neighborhood, Wednesday Martin struggled to fit in. Drawing on her background in anthropology and primatology, she tried looking at her new world through that lens, and suddenly things fell into place.
She understood the other mothers' snobbiness at school drop-off when she compared them to olive baboons. Her obsessional quest for a Hermes Birkin handbag made sense when she realized other females wielded them to establish dominance in their troop. And so she analyzed tribal migration patterns, display rituals, physical adornment, mutilation, mating practices, extra-pair copulation, and more. 文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
Her conclusions are smart, thought-provoking, and hilariously unexpected. Every city has its Upper East Side, and in Wednesday's memoir, readers everywhere will recognize the strange cultural codes of powerful social hierarchies and the compelling desire to climb them. They will also see that Upper East Side mothers want the same things for their children that all mothers want: safety, happiness, and success;and not even sky-high penthouses and chauffeured SUVs can protect this ecologically released tribe from the universal experiences of anxiety and loss. When Wednesday's life turns upside down, she learns how deep the bonds of female friendship really are. Intelligent, funny, and heartfelt, Primates of Park Avenue lifts a veil on a secret, elite world within a world: the exotic, fascinating, and strangely familiar culture of privileged Manhattan motherhood.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
这世界就像一个剧场,当前排观众站起来的时候,后排观众也不得不这样做。所以这个世界上很难找到一个不焦虑的妈妈。 人科动物要是没有归属感,不能真正融入群体,就会迷失自我。……只要是不被社会接受的地位低下的人,尤其是女人,统统不会有好下场。她们没有人际关系的保护,无人帮忙,有些是象征性地死去,有些则是生命真的被剥夺。 她们这么做的动机,同时包括对孩子的爱、对未来的恐惧以及不屈不挠的野心。……这群野心勃勃的贵妇的另一面,是极端的焦虑。她们承受着不能踏错一步的巨大压力,必须当完美的母亲,完美的社交对象,完美的衣服架子,还得当完美的性感女人。 做母亲的人在遇到困难时,会以强大的意志,寻求外界的协助,渴望和外面的人交朋友。全世界的人类以及众多灵长类动物经过千百万年的演化,自然而然懂得彼此合作。……她们比我精通人情世故,很愿意分享她们看到的事。她们知道自己以及周遭的人,过着具有讽刺意味的生活,她们以幽默的态度看待一切。……“那些看不出我们的生活有多荒谬、多极端、多好笑、多疯狂的人,我不想与那种人为伍。”文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语- —— 引自《我是个妈妈,我需要铂金包 : 一个耶鲁人类学博士的上东区育儿战争》第1页

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