When Life Gives You Lululemons (The Devil Wears Prada #3) by Lauren Weisberger

    When Life Gives You Lululemons (The Devil Wears Prada #3) by Lauren Weisberger

    In When Life Gives You Lululemons, Weisberger returns to the world of The Devil Wears Prada to tell Emily Charlton's story. Once the first assistant to Miranda Priestley, Emily has left Runway magazine and New York for a life in Los Angeles with her husband and a career as an image consultant to the stars. But lately, she's been losing clients and struggling to keep her business alive. That is why she jumps at the chance to relaunch the career of a gorgeous former model whose mugshot has been dominating the headlines — because it just might be Emily's chance to relaunch her own career, too.


    When Life Gives You Lululemons (The Devil Wears Prada #3) by Lauren Weisberger

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    1000 Basic English Words(1-4) 教材

    1000 Basic English Words(1-4)

    1000 Basic English Words 这本书系统地整理了英语学习的关键词汇,是立足英语基础的必备词汇宝典。 这本书根据词汇使用频率,选取了1000个最基础而不可或缺的英语词汇。这些词汇涵盖...