《生命3.0》一书中,作者迈克斯•泰格马克对人类的终极未来进行了全方位的畅想,从我们能活到的近未来穿行至1万年乃至10 亿年及其以后,从可见的智能潜入不可见的意识,重新定义了“生命”“智能”“目标”“意识”,并澄清了常见的对人工智能的误解,将帮你构建起应对人工智能时代动态的全新思维框架,抓住人类与人工智能共生演化的焦点。
How can we grow our prosperity through automation without leaving people lacking income or purpose? What career advice should we give today's kids? How can we make future AI systems more robust, so that they do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, replacing humans on the job market and perhaps altogether? Will AI help life flourish like never before or give us more power than we can handle? What sort of future do you want? This book empowers you to join what may be the most important conversation of our time. It doesn't shy away from the full range of viewpoints or from the most controversial issues--from superintelligence to meaning, consciousness and the ultimate physical limits on life in the cosmos.文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/1771.html文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/1771.html
