In her strongest work to date, Lois Lowry once again creates a mysterious but plausible future world. It is a society ruled by savagery and deceit that shuns and discards the weak. Left orphaned and physically flawed, young Kira faces a frightening, uncertain future. Blessed with an almost magical talent that keeps her alive, she struggles with ever broadening responsibilities in her quest for truth, discovering things that will change her life forever.
As she did in The Giver, Lowry challenges readers to imagine what our world could become, and what will be considered valuable. Every reader will be taken by Kira's plight and will long ponder her haunting world and the hope for the future.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
少女绮拉生活在一个以贫穷、野蛮,以“物竞天择”为信条的贫瘠村落。绮拉天生一条腿有残疾,母亲去世后,企图霸占她家土地的人把她告上长老会,企图驱逐她出村,让她自生自灭。然而意外的是,长老会对她早已另有安排。长老们因为绮拉的刺绣天赋而保全了她的性命,任命她担任传承历史的礼服刺绣人,并让她住进了司法大厦。 文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

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