The tale of Beren and Lúthien was, or became, an essential element in the evolution of The Silmarillion, the myths and legends of the First Age of the World conceived by J.R.R. Tolkien. Returning from France and the battle of the Somme at the end of 1916, he wrote the tale in the following year.
Essential to the story, and never changed, is the fate that shadowed the love of Beren and Lúthien: for Beren was a mortal man, but Lúthien was an immortal elf. Her father, a great elvish lord, in deep opposition to Beren, imposed on him an impossible task that he must perform before he might wed Lúthien. This is the kernel of the legend; and it leads to the supremely heroic attempt of Beren and Lúthien together to rob the greatest of all evil beings, Melkor, called Morgoth, the Black Enemy, of a Silmaril.
In this book Christopher Tolkien has attempted to extract the story of Beren and Lúthien from the comprehensive work in which it was embedded; but that story was itself changing as it developed new associations within the larger history. To show something of the process whereby this legend of Middle-earth evolved over the years, he has told the story in his father's own words by giving, first, its original form, and then passages in prose and verse from later texts that illustrate the narrative as it changed. Presented together for the first time, they reveal aspects of the story, both in event and in narrative immediacy, that were afterwards lost.
Published on the tenth anniversary of the last Middle-earth book, the international bestseller The Children of Húrin, this new volume will similarly include drawings and color plates by Alan Lee, who also illustrated The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and went on to win Academy Awards for his work on The Lord of the Rings film trilogy.
贝伦与露西恩的传奇,是J.R.R. 托尔金教授创造的瑰丽世界——中洲里最重要的故事之一。它位列中洲远古时代的三大传说当中,既是《魔戒》那宏大背景的组成部分,更是《精灵宝钻》必不可少的基石,同时在作者自己的人生中也具有非同寻常的意义。在去世的前一年,J.R.R. 托尔金曾在一封信中述及他对亡妻的怀念。他写道:“她就是后来成为《精灵宝钻》首要部分的那个故事的源头……但故事脱离了正轨,我被抛下了,而我无法去铁面无情的曼督斯面前恳求。”文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

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