Easy American Idioms: Hundreds of Idiomatic Expressions to Give You an Edge in English by Living Language

    Easy American Idioms: Hundreds of Idiomatic Expressions to Give You an Edge in English by Living Language

    "It slipped my mind," "Don't fly off the handle," and "I'm counting on you" are just a few of the idiomatic expressions that native English speakers use on any given day, but that can completely confuse non-native speakers. Easy American Idioms cuts through the confusion and teaches natural-sounding conversational English.

    The lessons in Easy American Idioms focus on everyday situations: meeting people, expressing likes/satisfaction, expressing dislikes/displeasure, working, shopping, socializing, sports, television, going out, and more. Each section features useful and appropriate idiomatic expressions with dialogues interspersed between lessons. 文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/3546.html

    Easy American Idioms: Hundreds of Idiomatic Expressions to Give You an Edge in English by Living Language

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    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style
