Insects and Spiders: Explore Nature with Fun Facts and Activities (Nature Explorers) by DK

    Insects and Spiders: Explore Nature with Fun Facts and Activities (Nature Explorers) by DK

    This book for children about insects and spiders is the perfect companion for young minds eager to learn about the amazing world of bugs.

    Children are encouraged to investigate and record all the creepy crawlies they find as well as to get involved in hands-on activities, from making their own "pooter" to collect insects to building an ant farm.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

    With a mix of fantastic photographs and beautiful illustrations, Insects and Spiders takes you through everything you need to know about these bewildering bugs. Learn what termites build their nests from, how an earwig looks after her eggs, and why wasps have black and yellow stripes.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-


    Insects and Spiders: Explore Nature with Fun Facts and Activities (Nature Explorers) by DK

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    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style 写作

    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style
