The Story of English in 100 Words 这本书由语言学大师David Crystal撰写,极具趣味地追溯了英语百个词汇的起源和发展历史。作者以生动幽默的笔触,讲述了英语词汇的演变轨迹。每一个词都有着一个迷人的故事,道出了它们是如何随着社会文化的变迁而不断演化的。
David Crystal教授以幽默诙谐的笔调讲故事的方式令人耳目一新,让人在娱乐中增长英语词汇知识。此外,他在词语演变历史背后加插的文化知识也令人拍案叫绝。这绝对是一本英语学习者、爱好者必读的好书。它不仅能帮助你解析单词的背后故事,还能加深你对英语语言及英语世界的魅力的理解。如果你想提高英语词汇量,那么The Story of English in 100 Words这本充满人文情怀的词源趣书绝对应该摆上你的书架。它会让你对英语词汇产生全新的认识,并激发你探寻语言奥秘的兴趣。英语词汇海洋中还隐藏着无数美妙的故事,期待你也来发掘!文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
The world's foremost expert on the English language takes us on an entertaining and eye-opening tour of the history of our vernacular through the ages.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
In The Story of English in 100 Words, an entertaining history of the world's most ubiquitous language, David Crystal draws on one hundred words that best illustrate the huge variety of sources, influences and events that have helped to shape our vernacular since the first definitively English word―‘roe'―was written down on the femur of a roe deer in the fifth century. Featuring ancient words (‘loaf'), cutting edge terms that relfect our world (‘twittersphere'), indispensible words that shape our tongue (‘and', ‘what'), fanciful words (‘fopdoodle') and even obscene expressions (the "c word"...), David Crystal takes readers on a tour of the winding byways of our language via the rude, the obscure and the downright surprising.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

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