SuperSimple Biology: The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide by DK

    SuperSimple Biology: The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide by DK

    A fantastic aid for coursework, homework, and test revision, this is the ultimate study guide to biology.

    From reproduction to respiration and from enzymes to ecosystems, every topic is fully illustrated to support the information, make the facts clear, and bring biology to life. For key ideas, “How it works” and “Look closer” boxes explain the theory with the help of simple graphics. And for revision, a handy “Key facts” box provides a summary you can check back on later.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

    With clear, concise coverage of all the core biology topics, SuperSimple Biology is the perfect accessible guide for students, supporting classwork, and making studying for exams the easiest it’s ever been.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

    SuperSimple Biology: The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide by DK

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