- 0.时光之轮0·新春 | New Spring
- 1.时光之轮1·世界之眼 | The Eye of the World
- 2.时光之轮1·大猎捕 | The Great Hunt
- 3.时光之轮1·转生真龙 | The Dragon Reborn
- 4.时光之轮4·暗影渐起 | The Shadow Rising
- 5.时光之轮5·天空之火 | The Fires of Heaven
- 6.时光之轮6·混沌之王 | Lord of Chaos
- 7.时光之轮7·剑之王冠 | A Crown of Swords
- 8.时光之轮8·匕首之路 | The Path of Daggers
- 9.时光之轮9·寒冬之心 | Winter's Heart
- 10.时光之轮10·光影歧路 | Crossroads of Twilight
- 11.时光之轮11·迷梦之刃 | Knife of Dreams
- 12.时光之轮12·末日风暴 | The Gathering Storm
- 13.时光之轮13·午夜高塔 | Towers of Midnight
- 14.时光之轮14·光明回忆 | A Memory of Light
Taking place in both our past and our future, this epic fantasy traces the saga of a young man destined to face the Evil One—and tells the story of an entire world’s struggle with war and change, destruction and hope.
Spanning multiple eras and generations, the Wheel of Time focuses on the final confrontation between a great hero known as the Dragon and an evil entity known as the Dark One. Battles between the Dragon and the Dark One are part of a cycle that’s been repeated countless times, age after age, as the Dragon is continuously reborn. In the Third Age, the Age of Prophecy in which the novels take place, they are preordained to face off in the Last Battle to determine the fate of the world. Enter Rand al’Thor. A humble farmer’s son, he lives a quiet life—until a pair of mysterious travelers arrive in his small village. Soon, he’ll discover his ability to wield magical powers long forbidden to men, throwing his life and lives all around him into turmoil. Over the course of the series, Rand al’Thor will embark on a great hunt for the legendary Horn of Valere; brave savage attacks by Trollocs, towering half-men, half-beasts; confront unspeakable dangers waiting in the shadows and in the light; and embrace his destiny as the Dragon Reborn. “Complex plotting, an array of strong characters, lavish detail, and a panoramic scope make this series a feast for fantasy aficionados," declares Library Journal. The New York Times proclaims: "Jordan has come to dominate the world that Tolkien began to reveal,".文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/4403.html
“时光之轮旋转不息,岁月来去如风,世代更替只留下回忆,残留的回忆变为传说,传说又慢慢成为神话,而当同一纪元轮回再临时,连神话也早已烟消云散。在某个被叫作第三纪元的时代,新的纪元尚未到来,而旧的纪元早已逝去。一阵风在末日山脉刮起。这阵风并非开始,时光之轮的旋转既无开始,也无结束。但这确实也是一个开始……”文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/4403.html 时光之轮

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