不同凡响的“人类思想百科丛书” | Big Ideas Simply Explained Series

    不同凡响的“人类思想百科丛书” | Big Ideas Simply Explained Series
    • The Architecture Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Astronomy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Bible Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Biology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Black History Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Business Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Chemistry Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Classical Music Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Crime Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Ecology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Economics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Feminism Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The History Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Islam Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Law Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Literature Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Medicine Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Movie Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Mythology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Physics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Politics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Religions Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Science Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Shakespeare Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Sherlock Holmes Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Sociology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The World War II Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Maths Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
    • The Art Book: Big Ideas Simply ExplainedThe Art Book

    这是一套由DK出版的获奖丛书,Big Ideas Simply Explained 是一套全面回顾人类思想、科学和文明史的百科全书。用简洁易懂的语言和丰富的图示讲解,面向十岁以上的读者。


    随着年龄的增长,我们发现有些知识很有价值,但从未掌握。Big Ideas Simply Explained 正是为了解决这个问题而创造的。这套丛书用恰到好处的方式帮助读者理解人、理解社会、理解世界。基本知识都在里面,读得懂,碎片时间也能阅读。文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/6437.html


    总的来说,Big Ideas Simply Explained 是一套非常适合全面了解各种学科的科普书籍,对于对知识渴望的读者,是一套不可错过的好书。文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/6437.html

    不同凡响的“人类思想百科丛书” | Big Ideas Simply Explained Series

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