《科学书》。你需要知道的关于世界和世界如何运作的一切,将几个世纪的科学思想囊括在一本书中。自然现象、革命性的发明、科学事实以及最新的问题都在详细的文字中得到解释,并辅以视觉上引人注目的图形。 从宇宙和地球到生物学、化学、物理学和数学的六个主要部分被进一步细分为小节,包括从微观生命到核能的所有内容。《科学书》涵盖了广泛的科学领域,既为浏览的读者提供了主题的总体概述,又为那些希望深入了解某一特定主题领域的人提供了更具体的信息。自然现象、革命性的发明、科学事实和最新的问题都有详细的文字解释。贯穿全书的生动的插图、图片和图表使信息更加容易理解和掌握。 在书中,详细介绍了宇宙的理论和地球的特性,同时还概述了在地球上可以找到的各种生物体。书中讨论了人类的技术发展和成就,我们特别关注当前感兴趣的主题,如气候变化和基因工程。 本书结构严谨,有许多章节,为读者提供了一个有趣的自然科学大领域的介绍,同时也允许快速参考。具有特殊意义的事件和问题在3种不同类型的侧栏中得到了更详细的讨论。各章内和书中其他部分的大量交叉引用强调了各个科学领域之间的许多联系。插图元素,如三维图形和象形图以及大量的图片资料,使最复杂的信息也变得简单。
The Science Book: Everything You Need to Know About the World and How It Works encapsulates centuries of scientific thought in one volume. Natural phenomena, revolutionary inventions, scientific facts, and the most up-to-date questions are all explained in detailed text that is complemented by visually arresting graphics. Six major sections ranging from the universe and the planet Earth to biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are further broken down into subsections that encompass everything from microscopic life to nuclear power. The Science Book covers a wide range of scientific areas, providing both a general overview of topics for the browsing reader, and more specific information for those who wish to obtain in-depth insight into a particular subject area. Natural phenomena, revolutionary inventions, scientific facts, and up-to-date questions are explained in detailed texts. The vivid illustrations, pictures, and graphics throughout the book make the information even more accessible and comprehensible. Within the book, the theory of the universe and the character of the earth are detailed, along with an overview of the diverse living organisms that can be found on Earth. The technical developments and achievements of humankind are discussed and we pay particular attention to subjects of current interest, like climate change and genetic engineering. The well-structured organization of this book with its numerous sections and chapters offers the reader an entertaining introduction into the large field of natural sciences and allows just as well for quick reference. Events and issues of special significance are discussed in greater detail in side bars of 3 different kinds. Numerous cross-references within the chapters and to other sections of the book emphasize the many links between the individual scientific fields. Illustrative elements, such as 3-D-graphics and pictograms and the great variety of photographic material make even the most complex information easy.文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/6493.html

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