A pioneering and groundbreaking work of narrative nonfiction that offers a dramatic new perspective ...
了不起的蜜蜂 | Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees by Thor Hanson
在无人关注的角落里,蜜蜂影响着人类生活的方方面面。它们参与了人类的历史,主导着人类1/3的食物,也将参与人类和其他生物的未来。 早在公元前3000年之前,埃及人就掌握了蜜蜂养殖技术,人们在相当长的时间...
十问 | Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking was the most renowned scientist since Einstein, known both for his groundbreaking wo...
生命之源 | The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life by Nick Lane
The Earth teems with life: in its oceans, forests, skies and cities. Yet there’s a black hole at the...
那些古怪又让人忧心的问题 | What If by Randall Munroe
Randall Munroe left NASA in 2005 to start up his hugely popular site XKCD 'a web comic of romance, s...
我们为什么要睡觉? | Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker
The first sleep book by a leading scientific expert—Professor Matthew Walker, Director of UC Berkele...
极简宇宙史 | The Universe in Your Hand by Christophe Galfard
Quantum physics, black holes, string theory, the Big Bang, dark matter, dark energy, parallel univer...
必然 | The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly
科技想要什么 | What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly
在《科技想要什么》一书中,凯文·凯利向我们介绍了一种全新的科技观。他认为,作为整体,科技不是由线路和金属构成的一团乱麻,而是有生命力的自然形成的系统,它的起源完全可以回溯到生命的初始时期。 正如生物进...
失控 | Out of Control by Kevin Kelly
《失控 全人类的最终命运和结局》这是《黑客帝国》主要演员的必读物之一,这本关于机器、系统、生物和社会的"大部头”,揭示了社会进化、特别是互联网发展的"先知预言”,从这本书里,人们可以窥探到SNS的今天...