The most up-to-date A-Z resource available for English grammar, this dictionary provides concise def...
1000 Basic English Words(1-4)
1000 Basic English Words 这本书系统地整理了英语学习的关键词汇,是立足英语基础的必备词汇宝典。 这本书根据词汇使用频率,选取了1000个最基础而不可或缺的英语词汇。这些词汇涵盖...
Advanced English Dialogues, Stories, Vocabulary & More
Improve your English vocabulary with this book of dialogues, stories, phrases, expressions, idi...
The Lives of the Natural World Series
The Lives of Fungi The wonders of fungi are myriad: a mushroom poking up through leaf litter literal...
The Encyclopedia of Unbelievable Facts by Jane Wilsher
Test your knowledge with 500 perplexing questions to bamboozle and delight trivia buffs both young a...
The Dictionary of Difficult Words by Jane Solomon
What is a bumbershoot? Or a moonbow? And what does it mean when someone absquatulates...?Find out al...
Key Business Skills by Barry Tomalin
Shortlisted at The Duke of Edinburgh English Language Book Awards 2013 Be the best you can be in pre...
Collins Pre-Intermediate Business Grammar & Practice
如果您需要在工作中使用英语但觉得需要加强语法知识,Business Grammar & Practice是个理想的解决方案。著名的商务英语专家Nick Brieger和Simon Sweene...
Oxford Business English: Business Grammar & Practice
Business Grammar & Practice - Provides explanations of the key grammar areas, illustrated by con...
Oxford Business English: Business Grammar & Practice(Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate New Edition)
Business Grammar & Practice - Provides explanations of the key grammar areas, illustrated by con...