Echo Park (Harry Bosch #12) by Michael Connelly

    Echo Park (Harry Bosch #12) by Michael Connelly

    More than a decade ago, Harry Bosch worked on the case of Marie Gesto, a twenty-two-year-old who went missing but was never found. Now, with the Gesto file still on his desk, Bosch gets a call from the District Attorney: A serial killer has confessed. Did Harry miss a key clue? Or is something more going on here?

    In 1993 Marie Gesto disappeared after walking out of a supermarket. Harry Bosch worked the case but couldn't crack it, and the twenty-two-year-old was never found. Now, more than a decade later, with the Gesto file still on his desk, Bosch gets a call from the District Attorney.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

    A man accused of two heinous murders is willing to come clean about several others, including the killing of Marie Gesto. Taking the confession of the man he has sought-and hated-for thirteen years is bad enough. Discovering that he missed a clue back in 1993 that could have stopped nine other murders may just be the straw that breaks Harry Bosch.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-


    Echo Park (Harry Bosch #12) by Michael Connelly

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    1000 Basic English Words(1-4) 教材

    1000 Basic English Words(1-4)

    1000 Basic English Words 这本书系统地整理了英语学习的关键词汇,是立足英语基础的必备词汇宝典。 这本书根据词汇使用频率,选取了1000个最基础而不可或缺的英语词汇。这些词汇涵盖...