Clean, Well-Lighted Sentences: A Guide to Avoiding the Most Common Errors in Grammar and Punctuation by Janis Bell

    Clean, Well-Lighted Sentences: A Guide to Avoiding the Most Common Errors in Grammar and Punctuation by Janis Bell

    An extraordinary handbook: with clarity and humor, it tells the story that even good writers have been longing to hear.

    Clean, Well-Lighted Sentences is a small, engaging book that sits at your desk and gives golden advice. It knows precisely what your questions are, answers them clearly, makes sure you understand, and stops. What an unusual find: a grammar and punctuation guide that speaks only about issues that trouble―nothing more. Perfectly suited to anyone who has to write, from high-school and college students to senior-level executives.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-


    Clean, Well-Lighted Sentences: A Guide to Avoiding the Most Common Errors in Grammar and Punctuation by Janis Bell

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    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style 写作

    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style
