Grammar Survival: A Teacher’s Toolkit by Geoff Barton

    Grammar Survival: A Teacher’s Toolkit by Geoff Barton

    Focusing on what you need to know in the classroom, Grammar Survival provides you with the essential knowledge and tools you’ll need to teach grammar effectively. This second edition has been updated and restructured to reflect the revised framework for English, and ten new sections have been added including how to generate ideas, develop viewpoints, improve vocabulary, teach spelling and build reading skills. This book features:

    • over forty separate grammar topics including theory and practice
    • clear examples throughout
    • teaching hints and ideas for the classroom
    • practical suggestions for homework.

    Entertaining and practical, this book is ideal for busy newly qualified and practising teachers looking to improve both their pupils’ and their own understanding of grammar.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-


    Grammar Survival: A Teacher’s Toolkit by Geoff Barton

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    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style 写作

    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style
