Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English

    Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English

    Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English

    • Examines patterns of use in the news, fiction and academic English
    • Takes grammar and vocabulary together and looks at how they interact
    • Is based on the analysis of 40-million words of British and American, written and spoken corpus text
    • Uses over 3000 examples of real, corpus English to illustrate the points
    • Uses frequency tables and graphs to make the new findings of this grammar clear

    Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/6785.html

    The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English is a revolutionary, corpus-based reference grammar of English, based on a groundbreaking research project to analyze the ways in which English grammar is really used. The book looks at four text types conversation, fiction, news reportage, and academic prose and reports statistical findings as well as examining the reasons that condition a particular grammatical choice.文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/6785.html

    Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English

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