《海边小屋》记录了梅·萨藤独居日记中的愉悦时光。摆脱了过于投入、失去自我的情感生活,梅·萨藤在海边小屋清心独处,专注写作、思考。她以冷静坦率的笔触写下对创作、老年 、死亡的思考,也毫无保留地与读者分享着天气、园艺、烹调、朋友来访等日常生活。哪怕是再寻常的日子在她的笔下也显得那般生动迷人,使人对生活滋生出无限的爱恋。
"The House by the Sea" is one of a seriess of journal swritten for publication by the poet May Sarton. This book follows "Plant Dreaming Deep" and "A Journal of Solitude" and concerns the first few years of her life when she moved from a small village in New England to New York in order to escape her problems.文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2414.html
In this book she deals with the loss of her long time partner to senility, her struggles with her temper and with the events that have affected her life and career. In the book she is candid about her temper tantrums, her need for solitude which clashes with her need to give lectures in order to earn money, the problems of loving someone who no longer has any memory of their shared past, and her fears of growing old and frail. 文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2414.html

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