Any Baedeker will tell us where we ought to travel, but only Alain de Botton will tell us how and why. With the same intelligence and insouciant charm he brought to How Proust Can Save Your Life, de Botton considers the pleasures of anticipation; the allure of the exotic, and the value of noticing everything from a seascape in Barbados to the takeoffs at Heathrow.
Even as de Botton takes the reader along on his own peregrinations, he also cites such distinguished fellow-travelers as Baudelaire, Wordsworth, Van Gogh, the biologist Alexander von Humboldt, and the 18th-century eccentric Xavier de Maistre, who catalogued the wonders of his bedroom. The Art of Travel is a wise and utterly original book. Don’t leave home without it.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
这部书就像一场完美的旅程,教我们如何好奇、思考和观察,让我们重新对生命充满热情。旅行是什么,德波顿并不想急于提供答案,旅行为什么,德波顿似乎也不热心去考求。但释卷之后,相信每个读者都会得到一种答案——这答案,既是思辩的,也是感性的,既酣畅淋漓,又难以言说,因为,它更像是一种情绪 ,令人沉醉而不自知翻开这本书,你踏上的将是一次异乎寻常的阅读旅程。深信德波顿无处不在的智慧和机智将影响甚至改变你对旅行的看法,并有可能改变你日后的旅行心态和旅行方式。德波顿是一个知识渊厚且富有逻辑思辨能力的作者。文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

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