The Writing Teacher’s Activity-a-Day

    The Writing Teacher’s Activity-a-Day

    The Writing Teacher's Activity-a-Day workbook features classroom-tested methods for boosting secondary students writing skills. The Writing Teacher's Activity-a-Day offers teachers, homeschoolers, and parents 180 ready-to-use, reproducible activities that enhance writing skills in middle and high school students. Based on Ledbetter's extensive experience as a consultant to language arts teachers and school districts across the country, the classroom-tested activities included in this book teach students key literary and writing terms like allegory, elaboration, irony, personification, propaganda, voice, and more! It also provides them with engaging examples that serve as models for their own Quick Writes.

    写作教师的每日活动》工作手册的特点是采用经过课堂测试的方法来提高中学生的写作技能。The Writing Teacher's Activity-a-Day为教师、家庭教育者和家长提供了180个随时可用、可复制的活动,以提高初中和高中学生的写作能力。基于莱德贝特作为全国各地语言艺术教师和学区顾问的丰富经验,本书所包含的经过课堂测试的活动向学生传授了关键的文学和写作术语,如寓言、阐述、讽刺、拟人、宣传、声音等!本书还为他们提供了引人入胜的例子。它还为他们提供了引人入胜的例子,作为他们自己快速写作的模式。文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

    The Writing Teacher’s Activity-a-Day

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    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style 写作

    芝加哥手册 | The Chicago Manual of Style
