William Stoner is born at the end of the nineteenth century into a dirt-poor Missouri farming family. Sent to the state university to study agronomy, he instead falls in love with English literature and embraces a scholar’s life, so different from the hardscrabble existence he has known. And yet as the years pass, Stoner encounters a succession of disappointments: marriage into a “proper” family estranges him from his parents; his career is stymied; his wife and daughter turn coldly away from him; a transforming experience of new love ends under threat of scandal. Driven ever deeper within himself, Stoner rediscovers the stoic silence of his forebears and confronts an essential solitude.
John Williams’s luminous and deeply moving novel is a work of quiet perfection. William Stoner emerges from it not only as an archetypal American, but as an unlikely existential hero, standing, like a figure in a painting by Edward Hopper, in stark relief against an unforgiving world.文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/394.html
美国,密苏里州。来自偏远农场的农家子弟、19岁的威廉·斯通纳进入州立密苏里大学学习农学。自一堂选修文学课为起点, 他的一生就此悄然改变。未来的斯通纳成为了一名大学老师,结婚、生子、教学、退休、衰老、死亡。在他生命的尽头,或许他可以坦然面对这个问题:你的一生,还要期望别的什么吗?文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/394.html

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