He was named "Sham" for the sun, this golden red stallion born in the Sultan of Morocco's stone stab...
Zia by Scott O’Dell
For the millions of children around the world who loved The Island of the Blue Dolphins, Scott O'Del...
通往特雷比西亚的桥 | Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
Jess Aarons' greatest ambition is to be the fastest runner in his grade. He's been practicing all su...
蓝色的海豚岛 | Island of the Blue Dolphins (Island of the Blue Dolphins #1) by Scott O’Dell
《国际大奖小说:蓝色的海豚岛》太平洋中有一个岛屿,形状像一条侧躺的海豚。岛的周围有海豚在游泳,有海獭在嬉戏,有海象在争雄,有野狗在决斗…… 以前,在这个岛上住着印第安人,他们受到捕猎海獭的阿留申人的杀...
摆渡人3:无境之爱 | Outcasts Ferryman by Claire McFall
千万畅销心灵治愈小说“摆渡人”系列完结篇 令无数读者灵魂震颤的人性救赎之作 内附精美插图&作者中英文签章 如果命运是一条孤独的河流,谁会是你灵魂的摆渡人? 在“摆渡人”系列前两部里,女孩迪伦和...
Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos
Dead End in Norvelt is the winner of the 2012 Newbery Medal for the year's best contribution to chil...
When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
Miranda is an ordinary sixth grader, until she starts receiving mysterious messages from somebody wh...
阿比琳的夏天 | Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool
少年维特的烦恼 | The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings
Star-crossed lovers, meddling immortals, feigned identities, battles of wits, and dire warnings. The...