Rich Man, Poor Man and Beggarman, Thief: In One Volume by Irwin Shaw

    Rich Man, Poor Man and Beggarman, Thief: In One Volume by Irwin Shaw

    Rich Man, Poor Man
    Rich Man, Poor Man is the story of two brothers whose contrasting natures reflect the turmoil of post-war America. Rudy is the rich man - a romantic who would let no one stand between him and success. Tom is the poor man - the black sheep of the family on the run from his violent past.
    Beggarman, Thief
    Wesley, haunted by his father's murder, begins a strange and deeply personal quest; Billy becomes involved with a girl who leads him into unexpected dangers; Gretchen finds new challenges and experiences a remarkable twist to her life. Moving between Europe and America, "Beggarman, Thief" is a brilliant novel chronicling the fortunes of one family - the joys, sorrows, successes and failures. This is not only the gripping sequel to Irwin Shaw's bestselling "Rich Man, Poor Man", but also an outstanding novel in its own right.
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