He had many different types of plants in his yard besides annuals: perennial flowers, herbs, trees, and shrubs. Thomas's pride and joy were his rosebushes. He had over a dozen rosebushes all over his yard, each one a very special variety, each one unique and dear to his heart. There were big roses and small roses, climbing roses and shrub roses. There were brilliant white roses, some in a vivid coral pink color; classic red roses; and sweet yellow roses with a nice fragrance. Thomas even had a “tree rose,” which was not exactly a tree but a shrub rose that had been pruned to resemble a tree. The tree rose was in his front yard, near the front porch, so that all the neighbors could see it and compliment him on it.文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2361.html
- perennial – n.多年生植物
- pride and joy – exp.心肝宝贝;最引以为傲的
- rosebush – n.玫瑰丛
- variety – n.多样;种类
- unique – adj.独一无二的
- dear – adj.宝贵的;亲爱的
- climbing – adj.攀爬的;上升的
- vivid coral – 亮珊瑚色
- prune – v.修剪
- compliment – n.恭维;称赞
除了一年生植物之外,他还有很多不同的植物:多年生的花卉、香草、乔木还有灌木。托马斯心肝宝贝则是他的玫瑰丛。他的整个院子里分布着十多丛玫瑰,每一丛都是一个特别的种类,每一丛在他心里都是独一无二且异常珍贵的。既有大朵的玫瑰,也有小朵的玫瑰;既有攀爬玫瑰,也有灌木玫瑰。有些玫瑰是亮白色,有些则是鲜艳的珊瑚粉。有经典的红玫瑰,也有带着美妙香味的漂亮黄玫瑰。托马斯甚至还有一棵“玫瑰树”——其实并不是真正的树木,而是一棵修剪成树木样子的灌木玫瑰。玫瑰树就种在前院靠近门廊的地方,这样所有的邻居都能看见,并且会对此恭维一番。文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2361.html 文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2361.html