Outside of his volunteer work, Thomas spent a lot of time in his garden.As much time as he could: one could say that Thomas was obsessed with his garden! He thought about his garden all the time, even when he was away from home. He had been gardening for over forty years, so his garden was very full. He rarely got to add new plants, but he liked to daydream about new plants all the time. He also like to think about the existing plants: how healthy and beautiful they were, what different insects he had found around them, the animals he saw in the yard, and how pretty his lawn looked when he mowed it. Thomas did not care much about the grass. He let clover and Bermuda grass grow in between the Fescue because having a perfect lawn required lots of harsh chemicals, seeding and re-seeding. Thomas preferred to keep his yard as natural as he possibly could, so he spent a little extra money for organic soil, organic fertilizers, organic seeds, and organically grown plants (especially annuals).文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2358.html
- spend a lot of time – exp.花费大量时间
- one could say – exp.可以说
- obsess – v.着迷
- rarely – adv.很少地
- daydream – v.做白日梦
- existing – adj.目前的;现有的
- healthy – adj.健康的
- insect – n.昆虫
- animal – n.动物
- yard – n.院子
- lawn – n.草坪
- mow – v.割草;收割庄稼
- clover – n.三叶草
- Bermuda grass – n.狗牙根
- Fescue – n.羊茅草
- harsh chemical – 刺激性化学物质
- seeding – n.播种
- prefer – v.更喜欢;宁愿
- natural – adj.自然的
- organic – adj.有机的
- fertilizer – n.肥料
- seed – n.种子
- annual – n.一年生植物
托马斯除了志愿工作以外,会把大量时间花在他的花园里。实际上,他尽可能多地把时间花在花园里,甚至可以说,托马斯已经痴迷于他的花园了!他无时无刻不在想着自己的花园,连不在家的时候也是如此。他干园丁这行已经超过四十年了,所以他的花园早就满满当当,很少有机会再添加什么新植物了,但他仍然会幻想栽上更多植物。当然他也会想着已经有的植物:它们如此健康漂亮、他在植物间发现的不同昆虫、在院子里看到的动物,以及修剪后的草坪多么美丽。托马斯并不太在意草地,他放任三叶草和狗牙根1长在羊茅草2中间,因为想要养护完美的草坪需要使用很多刺激性化学制品,还需要不断播种又补播。托马斯更希望自己的院子尽可能保持自然状态,所以他只会额外花一点钱去买有机土壤、有机肥料、有机种子和有机植物(特别是那些一年生植物)。文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2358.html 文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2358.html