Waiting for Eden by Elliot Ackerman

    Waiting for Eden by Elliot Ackerman

    Eden Malcom lies in a bed, unable to move or to speak, imprisoned in his own mind. His wife Mary spends every day on the sofa in his hospital room. He has never even met their young daughter. And he will never again see the friend and fellow soldier who didn't make it back home--and who narrates the novel.

    But on Christmas, the one day Mary is not at his bedside, Eden's re-ordered consciousness comes flickering alive. As he begins to find a way to communicate, some troubling truths about his marriage--and about his life before he went to war--come to the surface. Is Eden the same man he once was: a husband, a friend, a father-to-be? What makes a life worth living?文章源自:力哥爱英语(ienglish521.com)力哥爱英语-https://ienglish521.com/2733.html



    Waiting for Eden by Elliot Ackerman

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