Babies are amazing! From the moment they open their eyes, they are learning and developing at an astonishing rate.
Parents naturally want to engage with infants as they learn and grow, but what if we could optimize the way we play with babies? Backed by the latest research and years of observation, Playing with Baby distills the experts’ findings for new parents, giving them a guide to the first year of a baby’s life and the growth of his or her individual mind. Through specific month-by-month play options and the research behind them, psychoanalyst Laurie Hollman helps us understand how to create secure attachments between baby and mother even before they can communicate with language. While aiding natural development is a big plus, the real payoff for parents comes from the baby’s reaction: when we play on the baby’s level, we engage and connect more deeply—and we have more fun!文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
宝贝们太棒了! 从他们睁开眼睛的那一刻起,他们就以惊人的速度学习和发展。文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
父母自然希望在婴儿学习和成长的过程中与他们互动,但如果我们可以优化与婴儿玩耍的方式呢? 在最新研究和多年观察的支持下,《玩宝宝》为新手父母提炼了专家的发现,为他们提供了婴儿生命第一年和个人思维发展的指南。 通过特定的逐月游戏选项及其背后的研究,心理分析师劳里·霍尔曼帮助我们了解如何在婴儿和母亲之间建立安全的依恋关系,甚至在他们可以使用语言进行交流之前。 虽然帮助自然发育是一个很大的优势,但对父母来说真正的回报来自婴儿的反应:当我们在婴儿的水平上玩耍时,我们会更深入地参与和联系——而且我们有更多的乐趣!文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

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