Keith Stanovich's widely used and highly acclaimed book helps students become more discriminating consumers of psychological information, helping them recognize pseudoscience and be able to distinguish it from true psychological research. Stanovich helps instructors teach critical thinking skills within the rich context of psychology. It is the leading text of its kind. How to Think Straight About Psychology says about the discipline of psychology what many instructors would like to say but haven't found a way to. That is one reason adopters have called it an instructor's dream text and often comment I wish I had written it. It tells my students just what I want them to hear about psychology.
也许目前我们自身对于心理学的认识还只是伪科学信念系统的产物,借助本书的科学观念,我们可以去伪存真,更好地理解人类行为的本质,弄清什么才是真正的心理学。 学习好或读书多的孩子都不擅长交际和体育; 低自尊导致攻击行为; 孩子会给父母带来幸福; 做多选题时, 即使对所选答案感到不确定, 也千万不要更改最初的答案; 我们只用了 10% 的大脑功能; 早熟者必早衰; …… 文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
如今,各种伪心理学的论调充斥了我们的媒体、我们的生活以及我们的书架,一个经营伪科学信念系统的巨大产业正在兴起,这一信念系统出于既得利益的考虑, 总是想让大众相信,无论什么都能纳入心理学的范畴。 翻开本书,让心理学大师教你如何站在批判性思维的角度,以科学的态度对待心理学,彻底走出伪心理学的误区。文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

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