Winemaking is as old as civilization itself, and this illuminating volume takes a unique approach to that history: by exploring 100 bottles that have had the biggest impact on the evolution of wine.
Moving from the first cork tops to screw caps, renowned wine writer Oz Clarke presents such landmarks as the introduction of the cylindrical wine bottle in the 1780s; the first estate to bottle and label its own wine (formerly sold in casks to merchants only); the most expensive bottle sold at auction and the oldest unopened bottle; the change in classifications; and the creation of numerous famous vintages. Fully illustrated with photographs of bottles, labels, and other images, this is a beautiful tribute to the "bottled poetry" that is wine.文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-
以葡萄酒为主角的一百则历史故事。闻名全球的葡萄酒权威奥兹.克拉克(Oz Clarke)从八千年前乔治亚出土的陶罐开始,一步步揭开葡萄酒如何成为西方文明的精髓:在各种意外、巧合中将葡萄酝酿为酒,而葡萄酒既然有生命,便会转变、成熟,衰败并老死,再随工艺演进发明各种容器得以储存、窖藏、流传。战火与虫害曾让葡萄酒的发展历经困境与挑战,最后仍凭藉创新观念与技术开枝散叶,吸引全球追求极致感官享受的爱好者。如今,如何酿造并辨别琼浆玉液与平价饮料,又成为一门品酒人需要精心鑽研的学问。未来,葡萄酒又会何去何从?自然酒的兴起、气候暖化带来的改变,从过去、现在到未来,作者带领读者走入葡萄酒的生命核心。文章源自:力哥爱英语(力哥爱英语-

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